My BYU Idaho Week 1 assignment
(1). The life of an entrepreneurial hero isn’t easier than a normal life—it’s more difficult. No hero’s journey is a cakewalk. Living life as an entrepreneurial hero means recognizing that life is hard, and that the greatest struggles bring the greatest meaning and the most powerful personal growth. And it means giving up the belief that life owes you something, and instead, win or lose, being determined to never give up, no matter what obstacles get in your way. It means being powerful enough to live independently, but wise enough to surround yourself with people of good character and people you. -By Jeff Sandefer.
(2). It's not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live. -By Marcus Aurelius
(3). Make no small plans for they have no power to stir the blood. -By Daniel Burnham.
(4). Make a choice, Choose a goal, grand or small. find a challenge, pick a foe, start a fight, no matter what compels you, you most pass through that narrow gate, that first step that signifies that there is no turning back. -By Jeff Sandefer.
(5). It is a wonderful thing to be faithful, but a much greater thing to be both faithful and competent. -Elder David A. Bednar.
(6). Becoming an entrepreneurial hero is about taking responsibility for yourself and turning big dreams into step-by-step realities. -By Jeff Sandefer.
(7). Sacrifice is what I will offer, surrender, yield, or give up. Consecration, on the other hand, is to fully develop and dedicate to a sacred purpose. -Elder David A. Bednar.
(8). But remember: pursue something where you have some sort of a natural gift, one that brings you great joy, one where you lose track of the hours spent in it, and one where you would practice for the sake of practice alone. Why? Because the road to mastery is a long and trying one: it usually takes at least ten years and ten thousand hours of practice. -By Jeff Sandefer.
(9). Life is difficult. This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths. It is a great truth because once we truly see this truth, we transcend it. -By M. Scott Peck.
(10). First we make our habits, then our habits make us. -By Charles Noble.
(11). The credit belongs to the man in the arena . . . who if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place will never be with those cold and timid souls who have never tasted victory or defeat. -By Teddy Roosevelt.
(12). You get to choose, but you cannot control the uncontrollable. And that means you will sometimes fail. The sooner you embrace failure as a friend, the better. Blessed is the entrepreneur who learns to fail early, cheaply, and often. Cursed is the traveler too fearful of failure to choose the more difficult path. It’s not that heroes aren’t fearful. Of course they are. It’s that they learn to get knocked down and get back up again. And they learn how to get other people on track too. The Grail is more important than the ego. -By Jeff Sandefer.
(13). Extraordinary things happen when you surround yourself with smart, talented, driven, good people who share your mission. Here’s a simple rule of thumb: an extraordinarily talented and dedicated person gets ten times more done than the merely good person, and the good person ten times more than the average performer. When it comes to employees, if you set the incentives correctly, you can’t overpay the best. -By Jeff Sandefer.
(14). Understand that there is no perfect “next step.” No matter what you choose to do next, there will be surprises and missteps. You will have to advance through struggles, through trials and errors. That’s just the way life works.
(1). For me to be a successful entrepreneurial hero, I must have a growth mind set, i must be willing to persist in doing very hard things and most be willing to see failure as an opportunity to grow.
(2). For me to be a successful entrepreneurial hero, I most learn to select a good team and learn to work with my team to get greater result.
(3). For me to be a successful entrepreneurial hero, I most learn how to startup with the things i love to do the most.
plans, for they have no power to
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